Hi! My name is Ogün

Cyber Security | Programmer | IT Specialist



My name is Ogün Tutkun. I am currently 29 years old, living in Alkmaar. My knowledge and expertise lies broadly within the IT sphere like servers, operating systems, programming and IT security.

Current Progress

Undertaking my final courses studying Cyber Security in the Amsterdam University of Applied Science.


Seeking a Cyber Security/IT Specialist role to pursue my passion for developing my career and expertise.


Work Experience

2018–2019: Worked at KPN as a Junior Technical Consultant/Implementation Engineer in Amsterdam.

Jun 2017–Sep 2017: Worked at KPN as a Junior Technical Consultant in Amsterdam


2014-Today: HBO ICT System & Network Engineering/Cybersecurity, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.

2012-2014: MBO Level 4 Entrepreneur, Horizon College in Heerhugowaard, obtained diploma.
